Terms and Conditions

Welcome to pdftotext.info!

These Terms of Use define the rights and obligations for the use of online services, which help to convert PDF files to text. By using pdftotext.info, you also confirm the below-stated terms and conditions and your legal right to be bound by such terms and conditions.

Right To Make Changes

pdftotext.info has the full right to change the present Terms of Use at any time with no extra notice. We recommend this page for frequent visits since it will be updated from time to time. Please discontinue using pdftotext.info and other relevant information if you do not accept the changes stated in the new Terms of Use.

About These Terms

The website we provide does not make any representation as to the serving utility of info regarding any specific type of its services for any particular niche, neighborhood, or intended utilization, or even as to its legal admissibility to download in any country other than the United States.

You are required to make sure that access adheres to the laid down local laws and regulations. Any damages, claims, or injuries acquired from unauthorized or improper access to our materials shall not be our responsibility. Before you navigate into this site, please remember you are doing this at your own risk.

Severability and Enforcement

In the event that any provision of these Terms of Use is unconscionable, unenforceable, unlawful, or void, the balance of these Terms of Use shall continue to apply. Thus, the failure to enforce, by initiating an effort in the future, a specified provision of any contract does not mean a waiver of the right to enforce it in the future.

Using pdftotext.info

While using pdftotext.info, there are chances that you will be asked to surrender identification or contact information. While using this information, you promise to update it from time to time to make sure that all aspects are correct and nothing is missing.

Also, kindly, do not use or access the website, the information provided or offered on this website, or the products or services offered by info through scripts or other web technologies. Follow the procedures, which are described and illustrated by our team.

Uploaded Documents

Uploaded documents or plain text data contained in our servers can be confronted with anonymized comparisons with the internet and internal databases for amelioration. Users have the option to delete their documents at any particular time from the servers they intend to purchase.

Texts of uploaded documents cannot be analyzed for plagiarism.

Liability and Indemnity

We do our best to ensure the accuracy and reliability of the offered service. However, it is used at your own risk. The services provided and the output produced are delivered without warranty, as to their being correct or helpful. In the event that you encounter any errors, we would like to be informed.

However, we reserve the legitimate right to make changes to the service. Information updates can be made at any time and are subject to change at any time without notice. We assume no obligation for any change, loss, or alteration to the uploaded content by the clients.

Responsible Use of pdftotext.info

We thank you for choosing to use pdftotext.info for your document conversion needs! To ensure a smooth and positive experience for everyone, we kindly ask that you adhere to the following guidelines:

Respectful Usage

  • Play Fair: Do not try to access parts of the site that are not yours, or mischievously manipulate the site’s operations.
  • Be Considerate: Do not do things that can harm the site or the individuals who use it in any way.

Content Responsibility

  • Keep it Legal: Do not upload, convert, or share any content that is unlawful, that you have no right to use, that is copyrighted, or that is otherwise undesirable.

Intellectual Property

  • Our Work, Your Use: All content on pdftotext.info, including logos, graphics, and converted files, is our property, and the laws of copyright and trademark apply to it.
  • Limited License: Our services grant you a non-assignable and non-sublicensable right to use the converted files for personal or business purposes only.


We can modify any section of the terms at any time. So please be sure to visit the page frequently to stay informed about the latest updates!